Mākara Churches Open Day

Two historic churches will be open for visitors to look through, learn about the churches and the history of them.

Two historic churches will be open for visitors to look through, with people there to talk to about the buildings and some written information about the history of the buildings. St Patrick's, a Roman Catholic Church, is 150 years old this year. It has several stained glass windows that depict families in the area who settled here in the 1800's. The church is now used for weddings and funerals and has been deconsecrated. St Matthias is an Anglican Church that was rebuilt in 1914 to replace the original building that was built in the 1800's. It was designed by the architect F de J Clere and is an actively used church with services held bi-monthly. It has a cemetery in the grounds with old graves where early residents were interred.

Health & Safety

At St Matthias, people need to be able to walk a short distance uphill and negotiate steps with the support of a handrail. At St Patrick's there are 2 small steps to gain access but no handrail. No wheelchair access at either churches.

St Patrick's Church 376 Makara Rd and St Matthias Church 379 Makara Rd, Makara Village.




Open Day

Event times

10am-3pm Sat 4 Nov


Cost: Free or Koha in donation box

10am-3pm Sun 5 Nov


Cost: Free or Koha in donation box

Makara Community Assn.

A community organisation that cares for the Makara Community Hall, St Patrick's Church and Monk Cottage.

Email: makarahallandchurch@gmail.com