Historic sepia photograph of Karori Cemetery, with a chapel in the foreground

Nation Builder's Tour: Our City, Our Country and Our Heritage Tour

Meet some of the men who built our country.

Meet the engineers who designed and built railways, bridges, viaducts, ports and harbours; politicians and lawyers who provided the leadership and political frameworks; a surveyor whose detailed maps of Wellington are still used today, industrialists, a pre-eminent earthquake scientist, a judge of the Supreme Court, and a Premier (4 times!) during the 1880’s.

Note: parts of this tour have previously been featured in our Movers and Shakers tour

Health & Safety

The tour includes off trail walking requiring moderate mobility.   Please dress appropriately for the conditions. While we do our best to guide you on a safe walking route, the ground can be wet and slippery in places.

The Shelter, Karori Cemetery, 79 Old Karori Road, Karori




Site Tour

Event times

10:30am-12pm Sun 5 Nov

Booking required

Cost: $10

Book tour

Friends of Karori Cemetery

We are a group of volunteers who seek to promote public interest in the Cemetery which is the second largest in New Zealand covering 100 acres. Our purpose is to advocate for and develop the heritage and ecological values of Karori Cemetery, and to assist with grave/plot restoration.

Email: info@friendsofkaroricemetery.co.nz

Website: http://friendsofkaroricemetery.co.nz