Book early

Jock Phillips: Visible or Invisible Heritage?

Visible or invisible? Which heritage is celebrated through monuments and what is invisible?

Historian Jock Phillips will draw on his research for ‘A History of New Zealand in 100 objects’(Penguin 2022), his history of New Zealand war memorials, To the Memory (Potton Burton 2015) and a database he has developed of New Zealand memorials.

Recently there have been attacks on monuments in Britain to philanthropists whose fortunes came from the slave trade and colonial ventures. A memorial to William Wakefield, one of the founders of the New Zealand Company, in a corner of Wellington’s Basin Reserve, was recently referred to as marking a ‘sordid history’ ( - The sordid history behind the Basin Reserve's Wakefield Memorial).

Yet many major historical events have no physical monuments. Decisions about whether to create memorials provide insights into what the society chooses to remember, and what they allow to be forgotten.

Health & Safety

A health and safety briefing will be given at the start of the meeting.

L5, Wellington Club, 88 The Terrace, Wellington





Event times

5:30-7:30pm Mon 30 Oct

Booking required

Cost: $25

Book Talk

Rotary Club of Wellington

Rotary Club of Wellington is a leader in improving community wellbeing in Wellington, Aotearoa-New Zealand and internationally, for over 100 years. It offers current and prospective members: 1. opportunities for developing collegial relationships 2. working on projects that contribute to community wellbeing 3. contributing or learning leadership and governance skills.
